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Many of my depictions deal with trying to represent archetypes of human emotion and existence, reflecting on the 'worldview' by considering our surrounds, influences and the patterns we instil within society and our environments. Much of my work is created within a calculated relation between two-dimensional and three-dimensional facets. I have an enduring fascination with the definition of a matrix. The secondary pictures in my layered works often show how we would form if the details of the primary image would reform with greater coherence. In essence, my work explores the journey of knowledge by depicting scopes of reality, observations and experiences in the quiet, thoughtful spaces of the mind.

figurative bronze artwork

detail images of Listen Ed. 1/14  I  Ed. 4/14 Available

For Me I & II, bronze, Edition of 14 / Artist proof of 3, 2019


Listen is one of five in the series of The Senses that expanded from the Home(lands) series and is currently in progress. The work explores placement, meaning and nostalgia in the sense of home and portrays a connectedness to the earth through our senses. We often associate varied purposes within the same context of an object, patterning or motif.  Beautiful connections, meanings and connotations are imprinted in our minds as to what we call home. The work speaks of the relation of how people and culture integrate, beg, borrow and uniquely mash various worldviews - particularly prominent in South Africa.  Listen's body is imbued with fabrics that play on ideas of home, culture and shelter.  The layers become a part of who he is. The vibrant poitjie pot of culture has become a part of who we all are. The strips of fabric have been left smooth as a gesture towards a blank slate as we often define what becomes a part of who we are in postmodern society. 

The Senses



The political series titled Satire compromises of a body of work created in clay which stresses the fragility of our times. The work embodies impressions within our society of how the individual is affected by the politicians agenda in a ricochet cascade of cause and effect. The series comments on how the South African government is failing the people thanks to corruption, greed and destruction.

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