I have been further developing my practice in the way in which I combine media, there is quite a science to it and it takes an artist a lifetime to fully understand and 'predict' the way in which materials react. Another facet to consider is the surface and the way in which the reactions will be manipulated by the substrate materials. These facets become quite involved in interdisciplinary work which is my focus.
Work in Progress
Urge was created in 2018 and showcased at the South African Print Fair. I created the next edition which is a varied work with hand colouring processed once the print had cured. The scene ponders on how nature reclaims spaces unoccupied by man, and how it withholds the uncanny ability to become as invasive.

Urge, linocut and hand colouring, 86X59.5CM

Aerial I, inks and pastel on paper, 70X50CM
A series of works which map out aerial formations are in progress. The body of work started while I was working towards a collaboration exhibition titled TRAILS in which we were looking at fast fashion landscape and the devastating effects of cheap toxic dyes which infiltrate into clean water supplies.