Proud to announce to that our team was selected for the sustainability project as a continuity from last years awardees in the program facilitated in South Africa. The exhibition is made possible by ZERO1 and AAI in collaboration with the beautiful KwaZulu Natal Society of Arts Gallery.
Last year, I partook in an intense incubation between America and South Africa in which Ram Devineni, a renowned filmmaker, publisher and the founder of Rattapallax films and magazine facilitated workshops in utilising augmented reality for social reformation in order to enable us to make a difference within our local communities.
Our team focussed on environmental concerns, and we are honoured to share that we will be taking the cause forward within this year's sustainability project which will be open to the public on the 16th of September at KZNSA Gallery.
Team members left to right, Saaiqa Ebrahim, Portia Ncwane, Jessica Michelle Le Roux.

Team members left to right, Saaiqa Ebrahim, Portia Ncwane, Jessica Michelle Le Roux
Exhibition Overview
Through our artistic engagement, we hope to highlight the need for individuals to have a more mindful way of consumption within the fashion landscape – that in turn can revolutionise production methods, ensure ethical labour practices and preserves our environment and biodiversity.
Artists are responsible for holding the checks and balances within society. Our aim is to create an experience and level of understanding within the exhibition which queries our habits and actions. By unveiling our role within a chain of multiple patterns, we are working towards instilling mindfulness in the thought patterns of the consumerist's nature and the actions which we have come to know as the norm.
By sharing awareness through the gallery platform, engagement can go a long way in opening up conversations and softening the negative impact of consumerism and mass production on the environment which is caused, driven and affected by a global community. We aim to instil further awareness around the environmental consequences through the arts in multidisciplinary practices.
Select Featured Artwork

Saaiqa Ebrahim, Requiem, limited edition photographic artwork
Jessica Michelle Le Roux, Select details of artworks in progress for the Trails Exhibition
Exhibition Details
Held at the beautiful KZNSA Gallery, 166 Bulwer Rd, Bulwer, Durban, SA
The exhibition will run from the 16th of September until the 03 October 2020. Artist walkabouts will take place on the 16th of September should you wish to book a tour. Follow our social media profiles to stay informed on the developments of the project.

About AAI
American Arts Incubator (AAI) is a creative exchange program that utilises community-driven digital and new media art projects to instigate dialogue, build communities, bolster local economies, and further social innovation. Each incubator addresses a relevant social or environmental challenge such as economic equity, youth empowerment, gender equality, and environmental health.
Source: Home - American Arts Incubator.